The Biomat is an FDA-licensed medical device that combines state-of-the-art far infrared light and negative ion technology with the healing power of amethyst crystal. It provides relief and speeds the repair and regeneration of muscles, while the far infrared heating pad regulates the body’s immune, endocrine, lymphatic, and nervous systems, improving overall well-being. The Biomat is an effecti
The BioAcoustic Mat has various music frequencies to help your mind and body experience different therapeutic states. According to Landis-Shack, and Bonn-Miller (2017), music therapy has been a therapeutic method of healing across various clinical populations. This study along with Edwards (2014) shows that music therapy can be beneficial for those suffering from mental health disorders as well
If you need to release stress, detoxify your body or you have health issues, simply lie on the BioTrintiy Mat which provides the benefits of improved well-being, improved mood, and pain relief.